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Nan’ao of Yilan Lupi Creek Fun tracing team


Lupi Creek is located in Nan’ao of Yilan.  It is tributary of North  Creek of Nan’ao, the source is from Lupi mountain. (1666M).
Lupin Creek keep the  natural beauty of the forest, steep valley , and nice beauty  waterfall,  layer by layer, a large amount of water, clear streams; nature swimming pools, rock climbing waterfalls, mysterious look for the summer and the best place to stimulate and end the trip is a 30-meter Gold mountain waterfall. When the gap between the sun through the leaves, shining on the water, showing a transparent blue, so fascinated.

Events Itinerary
09:00  7-11 at Nan’ao  (No. 328 Su-ao Township, Yilan County, Su Hua Road, Sec)
09:10 Gold mountain village
09:15 start point
10:00 – 10:30 facelift, active security introduce, environmental introduce, grouping
10:30 – 12:30 start , rock climbing, swimming across the lake, rushing waterfall …
12:30 ~ 13:30 Lunch Time
13:30 – 14:30 Reentry point , drill down, diving …
15:00 – 16:00 facelift, finishing equipment and materials.
16:30 Happy way home.

Photo: 240825 240824 240821 240706 240518 230924 230820 230811 230812 230723 230709 230521 230520 230403 230402  220918 220914 220910 220908 220829 220813 220813 220807 220731 220707 211009 210430 201010 201009 200913 200913 200905 200830 200825 200815 200815 200814 200807 200802 200731 200729 200718 200711 200704 200627 200626 200620 200516 200311 200301 191127 191012 191005 190909 190908 190727 190721 190720 190627 190522 181014  180818  180812  180804  180803  180714  180624  180506  180406  180404  171119  171118   171001  170925  170924  170923  170821  170820  170806  170704  170702  170702-2  170624  170507  160731 160724 160702 160413 150926 150801 150801 150712 150628 141013 140927 140920 140913 140906 140906 140601 130804 130721 130717 130630

Activity Fee
Original price 2500NT/person, special discount 2200NT/person
include hot meal in valley, 2 million accident insurance, 200000 medical insurance, safety instructor, full gear ( helmet, life jacket, harness, hook, shoes, wet suit, gloves and necessary tool depends on activity)

Registration Notice
1. After activity fee is paid and will to cancel due to personal reason, should follow the refund policy.
2. After the activity is reserved, it is can’ t be postponed, or will be cancel with penalty according to refund policy.
3. Taiwan is an island with 1/4 raining day, the activity will be going even raining, if customer want to cancel or postpone, it is possible by following the refund policy.
4. Once the Central Weather Bureau issued a typhoon warning which covers land areas, all activities will be canceled. Administrative is allow to postpone or cancel with refund after deduct 150 NT/person.
5. After enrollment list have been submit, it will be reserved for 3 days, please complete the payment within three days, or will be released.
6. Group registration, please unified remittances.
7. This activities doesn’t nclude transportation neither transfers. Please meet everyone at agreed location on time.
8. In order to ensure the quality and safety activities, do not be late, late for more than half an hour, rest of team will departure and no refund.
9. In the trip, any activities like jumping, rappeling will be introduce by coach but decide by customer, we don’t force people, enjoy the trip without pressure.
10. While the trip, please be responsiby for your own health condition, if feel not comfortable, should immediately inform the coach or partner.
11. Special note: we have the insurance indicated ” Canyoning “, not like others who have only “travel insurance”
12. If you have a special history illness (such as headache or dizziness; arthritis or injury; heart disease; pregnancy or just delivey baby;hypertension; major surgery: stroke: diabetes; other medical conditions: such as asthma] Prepare yourself to carry drugs), be sure to inform your partner, we will give appropriate recommendations, arrangements and take care of, and it is your own responsiblity to take care yourself. We will not take any legal responsibility.
13. The Company reserves the coach has power to change the route, planning and make proper activity arrangements.
14. Please pay after you agree all the items, it has contract nature.

Refund Policy
If cancel the reservation 10 days before, will refund after deduct administrative fee 150NT.
If cancel the reservation 5-9 days before, will refund 70% .
If cancel the reservation 2-4 days before, will refund 50% .
If cancel the reservation one day before or activity day will not refund any.
With regard to irresistible factors,such as earthquakes, typhoons, roads interruption. We will refund after deduct administrative costs 150 NT/ per person.
The above terms has legal effect under the law, once you join the activity, you are consider that totally agree the above items.

How to measure the length of foot for canyoning shoes
From longest toes to end of the foot (usually the second toe or foot toe) is the actual foot length

Registration phone: 0932167326



Nan’ao of Yilan Lupi Creek